Adult Men Don’t Have Friends…

This is just speculative.  I can’t say for a fact that all adult men don’t have friends.  I just know that I don’t have friends.  I mean, I have friends, just not close friends of the same sex who are close to my age.

Guys my age tend to be ass-hatty.  If they are more than a couple of inches taller than me, they are jerks and I want nothing to do with them. If they are shorter than me, they are most likely in a circus sideshow somewhere and too busy cleaning up elephant poop for a friendship with me.  If they are more successful or make more money than me, they are jerks and I want nothing to do with them.  If they are less successful or have less money than me… even I don’t want that kind of loser in my life.  So about 70% of the of available guys my age  are automatically eliminated from the potential friend pool.  And then there is politics… and I live in Nebraska… there goes another 29% (actually, political views and the desire to constantly spout those views eliminate 99% all by themselves).  So, about 1% of the guys my age around me are potential friends… but these losers are so pathetic that no one would want to be their friend. This is my 1%.

Women seem to have an easier time surrounding themselves with friends.  They go have coffee or they start book groups or they have movie nights.  What do guys do?  My 1% isn’t athletic or into sports, so we don’t “catch a game” or meet to “shoot some hoops.”  My 1% views golf as the elitist sport that may have very well led to the formation of the Nazi party, so we don’t mess with that.  A group of middle-aged ladies going to the movies together is cute.  A group of middle-aged guys going to the movies together is queer – as in the old definition of “queer” that means “strange”, not the new definition… who am I kidding… middle-aged guys going to the movie together is gay.

I try to think of what I would do with friends if I actually had friends, and I can think of nothing.  My 1% is probably into things like Dungeons & Dragons…


We are a pathetic little group who, due to our nature, probably shouldn’t congregate with our kind.  Alone, we can slip around in the shadows mostly unnoticed.  In groups, we could draw attention to ourselves… and I’m too old for a stinking wedgie…

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