Counting Calories and Starving…

With my recent high blood pressure diagnosis and my brand-spanking new high cholesterol discovery, I have decided to start eating healthier.  I do not want to do this.  This is not a choice that I enter into lightly.

I love food.  I love fatty, carb-filled, salty, sugary food, and I love eating it until I feel like my stomach is going to explode and my brain erupts into toe-curling, food-fueled orgasm.




The Big Food O
Food... a necessary pleasure 🙂




Did I mention that I love food?

Now, food that is good for you tends to taste pretty ass-tastic.  Normally, if I were given a choice, I would almost always chose a nice, juicy hamburger with a side of crispy fries




Mouth-watering, ain't it?




… over a healthy alternative.



Not really that happy...
Just because it's "smiling" doesn't mean I have to...




Healthy food is bland, non-filling garbage.  Who could possibly feel satisfied after eating a broiled fish and a side of steamed broccoli?  Not me, that’s for sure.  But, here I am, trying to burn at least 500 more calories than I’m taking in every day to lose a pound a week… for the next several months.  This is going to suck… but I think it’s probably time.

I’m exercising harder than I have in the past.  I used to get on an elliptical and sweat away for 30 minutes.  Now, I get on an elliptical and push myself to the verge of a heart attack.  I still only go for 30 minutes, but by the time I’m done, I can hardly catch my breath and every muscle in my body (including my heart) is screaming.  As long as I have to suffer from the absence of the pleasures of good food, I at least want to get a relatively-ripped body.




My body-image goal




Of course, I have a long way to go.




Ripped body... 1 pound per week... looks like I only have about 7-years to go...




Who am I kidding?!? I’m never going to get in any sort of real shape.  I’m going to be a butterball for the rest of my days; I guess I’ve just got to focus on adding days… days filled with the torture of exercise… and crappy, flavorless food… and expensive daily medication.

Not sure I want to add too many days…

4 thoughts on “Counting Calories and Starving…”

  1. Seven or eight years ago, I would have laughed at you. You see, I used to be one of those people that could eat whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, and not gain a pound, while still keeping a nice slim trim healthy, and I must say, athletic body. However, now I see the same light I believe you have had shined upon you almost your whole life. Wow, never though that was gonna happen. But it did. Im going to keep eating overly large doses of great tasting crap, and keep getting fatter and losing strength and so on so forth. But, please do keep me posted on your progress, and if you actually feel a noticable difference. I have many times thought about eating alot more healthy, and maybe even starting a workout program. I get a pretty healthy dose of physical workout with my job, but never anything that gets my heartrate up enough to burn serious carbs. So Im basically in the same boat as you, just a few years left to burn before making that crucial decision. I guess the sooner I start the better off I will be in the long haul. Anyway, good for you. Good luck. And Im not far behind. Let me know if you find actuall good tasting, filling food that is good for you.

  2. I wish I could say that I feel sorry for you, Lee… but I don’t. It’s nice to see your skinny butt getting large. I was never able to eat a lot and not have it show up at my gut, and the fact that there are people who could pisses me off. It’s about time it started catching up with you.

    I recommend watching it, though. It’s a lot easier to put on than it is too take off… especially once you hit 40. I would try get in decent shape before I hit 40 if I were you… then you would just be struggling to maintain at 40 and not lose. Just a suggestion, which I’m sure you will ignore 🙂

  3. Ugh! Good for you. I’ve started exercising on my breaks at work, but still eat how I want, which isn’t great. One step at a time…I also have a few years behind you with which to enjoy the SAD (standard American diet). My cholesterol was a little high on my labwork this year, though… 🙁

  4. Judy… the “eat how I want” is the hard part. I have come to the realization that “gluttony” is apparently synonymous with “enjoying food”. I’m thinking God has a pretty sick sense of humor…

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